PPTG Webinar – Reproducible Workflows: Make Your Life Easier (and Increase the Value of Your Research)

Live Web Event on 04/19/2023 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

Join us for this upcoming HFES Perception and Performance Technical Group webinar. Free for members and non-members.

Adopting a reproducible workflow for your computational/quantitative research is a win-win-proposition: You work more efficiently and avoid common pitfalls, and the systematic documentation you create enables other scholars to engage with and build upon your work. This webinar will sketch out the fundamental principles of conducting reproducible research, and present specifications for constructing documentation that is easily shareable and satisfies the policies for replication materials that are now commonly adopted by journals and funders. The examples we use to illustrate reproducible practices will be implemented with R Markdown, but we will emphasize that the underlying principles can be applied to research conducted with any scriptable software package.
