HFES Perception and Performance Technical Group

The Perception and Performance Technical Group (PPTG) is committed to continuously support knowledge exchange related to various aspects of perception and performance research, bringing together the insights of a broad range of domains. Topics of interest to our members are (i) perception research technologies, such as eye tracking, (ii) perception support technologies, such as haptic feedback, (iii) human perception characteristics, such as visual impairment and auditory aspects of perception, (iv) types of information presentation to improve understandability of information and/or improve task performance, and (v) perception and performance research related to remote control in a broad range of domains, such as transportation, process control, healthcare and space mission control.

The PPTG aims to support its student members through various initiatives such as best student paper awards, offering student research proposal grants, and providing financial assistance for students to attend the annual meeting. As part of their commitment to knowledge sharing, the group hosts webinars and aims to provide opportunities to foster a vibrant community of peers in the field.

Benefits of Membership 

Our members work as scientists, advanced technology engineers, designers, product developers, test and evaluation engineers, academicians, and consultants, and are employed across manufacturers, research firms, government agencies and service providers. A large and growing number of our members are undergraduate and graduate students, who are the pioneers of the next generation of cutting-edge intelligent systems.

  • We provide and promote in-person and online networking opportunities between students, government, industry, and academic researchers.
  • We produce periodic webinars on research topics, current events and areas of interest
  • We sponsor technical sessions at the HFES annual meeting, as well as invited symposia and joint technical sessions.
  • We offer an annual student research grant, and up to three monetary prizes for student work at the HFES annual meeting each year.
  • We also help co-sponsor invited lectures by distinguished experts and joint symposia with other professional organizations.
  • We provide timely and relevant news and information to our members through regular e-mail updates, and postings on our website and social media groups:

We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to support our members. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming community where diversity is celebrated and equity is upheld. We believe that the strength of our group lies in the varied perspectives and experiences of our members.We encourage feedback and suggestions at any time; you can reach us through direct communication with our officers, online via the website or social media, or post messages to the entire TG community through our listserv ([email protected]).

Members participate in our elections and can nominate or serve as officers. Membership is open to everyone who shares the PPTG’s interests, regardless of whether they are HFES members.