Human Factors in Law Enforcement

HFES Perception and Performance Technical Group Forums Technical Forum Human Factors in Law Enforcement

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  • #426
    Erin Alves

    I’ve created this topic to discuss perception and performance in law enforcement, safety issues and risks, and the application of human factors principles to training and standard operating procedures.

    Erin Alves

    From Dave Blake: “Hi all, I’m Dave Blake – retired law enforcement and aspiring academic. I am very interested in the application of HF to law enforcement. Attention, Perception, Memory, and Motor Skills, in the most extreme situations, can make the difference in officer and citizen safety as well as applied to forensic evaluations in the LE environment. I look forward to joining the discussion.

    Also, if interested in the LE application – please take a look at: Martin, J.A. (2016) Applied Human Error Theory; A Police Taser-Confusion Study.”:

    Erin Alves

    For more on top-down, bottom-up attention processing as it relates to accidental shootings:

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