Erin Alves

  • The HFES Annual Meeting in Seattle is right around the corner!

    I’m happy to announce our networking breakfast on Tuesday, 10/29 from 7:00 to 8:00 am in the Leschi conference room (on the 3rd floor of the […]

  • The slides from our AR Webinar and the PPTG Annual Business Meeting have been posted. Please review at the links below:

    PPTG Annual Meeting: […]

  • Accessibility within the future of human-machine interaction

    Kamolnat Tabattanon, University of Michigan

    With the
    development of new technologies, improved artificial intelligence, and
    autonomy, […]

  • I am very pleased to announce that a winner has been selected in our Student Essay Contest for a free trip to the HFES Annual Meeting.

    Kamolnat Tabattanon, a graduate student from the University of Michigan, […]

  • We will hold our business meeting on Friday, 8/30 at 2:00 pm EST. Details of the meeting are provided below.

    Topic: Perception and
    Performance Technical Group Annual Business Meeting

    Time: Aug 30, 2019 […]

  • We are now accepting nominations for the positions of PPTG Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and Program Chair.

    Each position carries a two-year term. If there is anyone you would like to nominate to run for […]

  • Erin Alves wrote a new post 5 years ago

    The Future of Human-Machine Interaction

    All Students! 

    Announcing the 1st
    Annual HFES PPTG Student Essay Contest,
    “The Future of Human-Machine Interaction”

    The winner will receive a trav […]

  • Erin Alves wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Annual Business Meeting Date/Time

    This year, we will be holding our business meeting virtually, in advance of the HFES Annual Meeting.  This allows more of our members to attend, as well as allowing for the […]

  • Erin Alves wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Augmented Reality: What it Can and Cannot Do

    Please join us for this exciting new webinar, August 14, 2019, 3:00PM EDT Sponsored by the HFES PPTG

    Use the link below to register: […]

  • Dear PPTG

    Help HFES
    build an outstanding program at the 63rd International
    Annual Meeting!  Service as a peer reviewer of the proposals submitted for
    consideration of presentation at the 63rd […]

  • Please note, my contact information has changed:

    Erin Alves, PPTG Chair Raytheon [email protected]

    Members, don’t hesitate to e-mail me if you have any technical issues with the website. Thank you!

  • Advanced Technology Human Factors Intern (PhD)


    This is a tremendous opportunity for the qualified candidate with a background in Human-Centered […]

  • 20th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology Call for Proposals

    The 20th ISAP will be held in Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A., May 7-10, 2019 (Tuesday – Friday).

    Proposal Submission is Live!

    New Proposal […]

  • I’m proud to announce the winners of our 2018 PPTG Student Research Contest… In no particular order:

    * The Most Innovative Student Research Award went to
    Brittany Neilson, Dmitrii Paniukov & Martina I. […]

  • The School of Psychology in the College of Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology announces two tenure-track professor positions with a position start date of August 2019. These positions are the first of […]

  • Please join us for snacks and beverages on Thursday, October 4 @ 8:00 pm, at McGillin’s Olde Ale House, 1310 Drury Street, Philadelphia, PA.  Check it out here:

    Established in 1860, […]

  • This year’s annual PPTG business meeting will take place at the Philadelphia Marriott on Wednesday, October 3 @ 7:00 am in Room 404.  We will be serving a continental breakfast with coffee and juices.

    We’ll d […]

  • Associate or Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clemson Psychology

    Clemson’s Department of Psychology invites applications for a tenure-track Associate or Assistant Professor specializing in Human-Factors or A […]

  • Boeing Defense Systems, based in St. Louis, Missouri, is looking for talented engineers to join its Human Factors Engineering (HFE) team in supporting the design of state of the art defense products.  Entry and […]

  • Erin Alves wrote a new post 6 years ago

    The Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University announces multiple openings for tenure-track positions for Fall 2019 at the Assistant Professor level in clinical psychology (req. #14182BR) and […]

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